TMJ Treatment

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge-like structure that connects your jaw to your skull. It allows you to perform essential functions like chewing, speaking, and yawning. When this joint and the surrounding muscles become dysfunctional or painful, it is referred to as a TMJ disorder or TMD (temporomandibular disorder).

Causes of TMJ Disorders in Ashburn, VA 

Several factors can contribute to the development of TMJ disorders:

Physical Trauma

Injury to the jaw or head can lead to TMJ disorders. This includes direct trauma, such as a blow to the jaw, or indirect trauma, like whiplash from a car accident.


Arthritic conditions, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, can affect the TMJ, leading to pain and reduced mobility.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Chronic teeth grinding or clenching, often occurring during sleep, can put excessive pressure on the TMJ, causing pain and dysfunction.

Structural Abnormalities

Congenital or developmental issues with the jaw structure can lead to TMJ disorders. Misalignment of the teeth or jaw can also contribute to TMJ problems.


Stress and anxiety can cause individuals to clench their jaw or grind their teeth, exacerbating TMJ symptoms. Call us to learn more.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders in Ashburn, VA 

TMJ disorders can manifest in a variety of symptoms, which can range from mild discomfort to severe pain:

Jaw Pain

Pain in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles is the most common symptom of TMJ disorders. This pain can be constant or intermittent and may worsen with jaw movement.


Frequent headaches, including tension headaches and migraines, are often associated with TMJ disorders. The pain may radiate from the jaw to the temples, forehead, or back of the head.

Ear Pain and Tinnitus

TMJ disorders can cause ear pain, a feeling of fullness in the ears, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). This is due to the close proximity of the TMJ to the ear structures.

Clicking or Popping Sounds

Many individuals with TMJ disorders experience clicking, popping, or grating sounds when they open or close their mouths. These sounds may or may not be accompanied by pain.

Difficulty Chewing

TMJ disorders can make it challenging to chew food properly. You may experience pain or discomfort when biting or chewing, and your jaw may feel like it is stuck or locked.

Limited Jaw Movement

A limited range of motion in the jaw is a common symptom of TMJ disorders. This can make it difficult to open your mouth wide or move your jaw from side to side.

Diagnosing TMJ Disorders

Accurate diagnosis of TMJ disorders is crucial for effective treatment. At Ashburn Dental Care, Dr. Zia Rizvi uses a comprehensive approach to diagnose TMJ disorders:

Medical History

Dr. Rizvi will begin by reviewing your medical and dental history. This includes discussing your symptoms, any previous injuries or conditions, and your overall health.

Physical Examination

A thorough physical examination of the jaw, face, neck, and head will be conducted. Dr. Rizvi will check for signs of tenderness, pain, clicking, or popping sounds and assess the range of motion in your jaw.

Imaging Studies

Imaging studies, such as X-rays, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), or CT (computed tomography) scans, may be used to get a detailed view of the TMJ and surrounding structures. These images can help identify structural abnormalities, joint damage, or other issues contributing to your symptoms.

Diagnostic Tests

In some cases, additional diagnostic tests may be necessary. These could include joint aspiration (removing fluid from the joint for analysis) or arthroscopy (a minimally invasive procedure using a camera to view the inside of the joint).

Treatment Options for TMJ Disorders in Ashburn, VA 

Treatment for TMJ disorders aims to alleviate pain, improve jaw function, and address the underlying causes. At Ashburn Dental Care, Dr. Zia Rizvi offers a range of treatment options tailored to each patient's needs:

Non-Surgical Treatments


Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can help manage mild to moderate TMJ pain. In some cases, Dr. Rizvi may prescribe stronger medications, such as muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs, or low-dose antidepressants, to help alleviate symptoms.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can be highly effective in treating TMJ disorders. Dr. Rizvi may recommend specific exercises to strengthen the jaw muscles, improve range of motion, and reduce pain. Techniques such as ultrasound therapy, moist heat, or ice packs may also be used to relieve symptoms.

Oral Appliances

Oral appliances, such as splints or mouth guards, can help reduce teeth grinding and clenching, alleviate pressure on the TMJ, and improve jaw alignment. These appliances are custom-made to fit your mouth and are typically worn at night.

Lifestyle and Home Remedies

Lifestyle changes and home remedies can play a significant role in managing TMJ symptoms. Dr. Rizvi may recommend the following:

  • Stress Management: Techniques such as meditation, yoga, or counseling can help reduce stress and prevent jaw clenching.
  • Dietary Changes: Eating soft foods and avoiding hard, chewy, or sticky foods can minimize jaw strain.
  • Jaw Exercises: Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises can improve jaw function and reduce pain.

Surgical Treatments

For severe or persistent TMJ disorders that do not respond to conservative treatments, surgical options may be considered. Dr. Zia Rizvi will discuss these options in detail if surgery is deemed necessary:


TMJ arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a small camera (arthroscope) to view and treat problems within the joint. This technique allows for the removal of inflamed tissue, repositioning of the disc, and other corrective measures with minimal incisions.

Open-Joint Surgery

In more complex cases, open-joint surgery may be required. This involves a larger incision to access the TMJ and perform necessary repairs, such as removing or reshaping the joint, repairing or repositioning the disc, or replacing the joint with an artificial implant.

Joint Replacement

Total joint replacement may be considered in cases of severe joint damage or dysfunction. This involves replacing the damaged TMJ with a prosthetic joint to restore function and alleviate pain.

Post-Treatment Care and Maintenance in Ashburn, VA 

Successful management of TMJ disorders involves ongoing care and maintenance. Dr. Rizvi will provide detailed post-treatment instructions to help you achieve long-term relief:

Follow-Up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Rizvi are essential to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. These appointments allow for early detection and management of any recurring or new symptoms.

Self-Care Practices

Continuing self-care practices, such as jaw exercises, stress management techniques, and dietary modifications, can help prevent the recurrence of TMJ symptoms. Dr. Rizvi will provide guidance on incorporating these practices into your daily routine.

Oral Appliance Maintenance

If you are using an oral appliance, it is important to maintain it properly. Clean your appliance regularly as instructed by Dr. Rizvi and replace it as needed to ensure optimal effectiveness.


TMJ disorders can significantly impact your quality of life, causing pain and discomfort that affects daily activities. At Ashburn Dental Care in Ashburn, VA, Dr. Zia Rizvi offers comprehensive and personalized care to diagnose and treat TMJ disorders effectively. From non-surgical treatments to minimally invasive and surgical options, Dr. Rizvi is dedicated to helping patients achieve lasting relief and improved jaw function.

If you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ disorders, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Contact Ashburn Dental Care to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rizvi and take the first step towards a pain-free, healthier jaw.

Ready to enhance your smile and improve your dental health? Schedule your appointment with Dr. Zia Rizvi at Ashburn Dental Care. Call us at 703-858-1904 or visit us at 42882 Truro Parish Dr., #208, Ashburn, VA 20148. Your journey to a brighter, healthier smile starts here! 

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Ashburn, VA

42882 Truro Parish Dr., #208, Ashburn, VA 20148


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(703) 858-1904