Night Guards

Night guards in Ashburn, VA, also known as occlusal guards, dental guards, or bite splints, are essential dental appliances designed to protect teeth from the damaging effects of teeth grinding (bruxism) and clenching during sleep. At Ashburn Dental Care in Ashburn, VA, Dr. Zia Rizvi and his team are dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care solutions, including custom-fitted night guards, to help patients maintain optimal oral health and prevent potential dental issues. 

Understanding Bruxism and Clenching in Ashburn, VA 

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition characterized by the grinding and clenching of teeth, often occurring unconsciously during sleep. It can also occur during the day, but nocturnal bruxism is more common and problematic as it goes unnoticed. Bruxism can lead to various dental issues, including tooth wear, fractures, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders

Causes of Bruxism

The exact cause of bruxism is not always clear, but several factors can contribute to the condition, including:

  • Stress and Anxiety: Emotional stress and anxiety are significant contributors to teeth grinding and clenching.
  • Sleep Disorders: Conditions like sleep apnea can increase the likelihood of bruxism.
  • Medications: Certain medications, particularly those affecting the central nervous system, can cause bruxism.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and caffeine intake can exacerbate bruxism.
  • Misaligned Bite: Malocclusion or an improper bite can lead to teeth grinding.

Symptoms of Bruxism

Bruxism can manifest through various signs and symptoms, including:

  • Tooth Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks.
  • Worn or Chipped Teeth: Noticeable wear and tear on the tooth surfaces.
  • Jaw Pain: Soreness and discomfort in the jaw muscles, particularly upon waking.
  • Headaches: Frequent headaches, especially in the morning.
  • Ear Pain: Pain or a feeling of fullness in the ears.
  • Disrupted Sleep: Disturbances in sleep patterns due to grinding noises or discomfort. Call us to learn more.

Importance of Night Guards in Ashburn, VA 

Night guards play a crucial role in protecting teeth and alleviating the symptoms associated with bruxism and clenching. They act as a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, preventing direct contact and minimizing the risk of dental damage. Custom-fitted night guards, crafted specifically for an individual's mouth, provide optimal comfort and effectiveness.

Types of Night Guards

Night guards come in various types, each designed to address specific needs and preferences. The primary types include:

Soft Night Guards

Soft night guards are made from flexible materials and are ideal for individuals with mild bruxism. They offer comfort and cushioning, making them suitable for those who do not grind their teeth aggressively.

Hard Night Guards

Hard night guards are constructed from durable, rigid materials and are suitable for individuals with severe bruxism. They provide robust protection against the forces of teeth grinding and are more durable than soft night guards.

Dual Laminate Night Guards

Dual laminate night guards combine the benefits of both soft and hard night guards. They feature a soft inner layer for comfort and a hard outer layer for durability, making them suitable for moderate to severe bruxism cases.

The Process of Obtaining a Custom-Fitted Night Guard

At Ashburn Dental Care, Dr. Zia Rizvi ensures that patients receive custom-fitted night guards tailored to their specific needs. The process involves several steps:

Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, Dr. Rizvi will assess your dental health, discuss your symptoms, and determine if a night guard is necessary. This evaluation includes a thorough examination of your teeth, jaw, and bite.


If a night guard is deemed necessary, Dr. Rizvi will take precise impressions of your upper and lower teeth. These impressions serve as a mold for creating a custom-fitted night guard that perfectly fits your mouth.


The impressions are sent to a dental laboratory, where skilled technicians craft your custom night guard. The fabrication process ensures that the night guard fits snugly and comfortably, providing optimal protection.

Fitting and Adjustments

Once the night guard is ready, you will return to Ashburn Dental Care for a fitting appointment. Dr. Rizvi will ensure that the night guard fits properly and make any necessary adjustments to enhance comfort and effectiveness.

Benefits of Night Guards

Wearing a night guard offers numerous benefits for individuals suffering from bruxism and clenching:

Protection Against Tooth Damage

Night guards prevent direct contact between the upper and lower teeth, reducing the risk of tooth wear, fractures, and enamel erosion caused by grinding and clenching.

Alleviation of Jaw Pain

By reducing the pressure exerted on the jaw muscles, night guards help alleviate jaw pain and discomfort associated with bruxism.

Prevention of TMJ Disorders

Night guards can help prevent the development of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, which are often linked to chronic teeth grinding and clenching.

Improved Sleep Quality

By minimizing the discomfort and noise associated with bruxism, night guards contribute to improved sleep quality for both the individual and their sleeping partner.

Long-Term Cost Savings

Preventing dental damage with a night guard can save individuals from costly restorative treatments, such as crowns, bridges, and dental implants, in the long run.

Caring for Your Night Guard

Proper care and maintenance of your night guard are essential to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Here are some tips for taking care of your night guard:


  • Daily Cleaning: Rinse your night guard with lukewarm water after each use to remove saliva and debris.
  • Brushing: Use a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to gently clean your night guard. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp the material.
  • Deep Cleaning: Periodically, soak your night guard in a denture cleaner or a solution of water and mild dish soap to eliminate bacteria and odors.


  • Drying: Allow your night guard to air dry completely before storing it in its case.
  • Protective Case: Store your night guard in a ventilated case to prevent damage and keep it free from dust and debris.
  • Avoid Heat: Keep your night guard away from direct sunlight and heat sources, as high temperatures can cause the material to warp.

Regular Check-Ups

  • Routine Dental Visits: Schedule regular dental check-ups with Dr. Rizvi to ensure that your night guard remains in good condition and continues to fit properly.
  • Replacement: Night guards may need to be replaced periodically, depending on the extent of wear and tear. Dr. Rizvi will monitor the condition of your night guard and recommend replacements as needed.


Night guards are essential dental appliances that provide significant protection against the damaging effects of bruxism and clenching. At Ashburn Dental Care, Dr. Zia Rizvi and his team are dedicated to helping patients maintain optimal oral health by offering custom-fitted night guards tailored to their specific needs. By understanding the importance of night guards, the process of obtaining them, their benefits, and how to care for them, patients can take proactive steps to protect their teeth and overall oral health.

If you suspect that you suffer from bruxism or clenching, or if you have been experiencing symptoms such as jaw pain, tooth sensitivity, or headaches, schedule a consultation with Dr. Rizvi at Ashburn Dental Care. With a custom-fitted night guard, you can protect your teeth, alleviate discomfort, and enjoy a better quality of life. Remember, prevention and early intervention are key to maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come.

Ready to enhance your smile and improve your dental health? Schedule your appointment with Dr. Zia Rizvi at Ashburn Dental Care. Call us at 703-858-1904 or visit us at 42882 Truro Parish Dr., #208, Ashburn, VA 20148. Your journey to a brighter, healthier smile starts here! 

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Ashburn, VA

42882 Truro Parish Dr., #208, Ashburn, VA 20148


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  • TUE9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • WED8:00 am - 8:00 pm
  • THU9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • FRI8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • SAT - SUNBy appointments only
(703) 858-1904